
Funding Unsuccessful

The UnbreakableUkraine project, which announced in advance that it would take place by and in parallel with the counterattack of the Ukrainian army, condemned itself to the same fate as the counterattack – it disappointed those who expected a sudden and large-scale operation that would liberate the occupied territories in one step; on the other hand, the Ukrainians themselves admit that they are not yet adequately prepared and have accumulated resources, so there will be a second and possibly a third counterattack. Project UU’s progress is surprisingly similar – after a slow start, the campaign initially gathered more followers and supporters than funds. It’s OK – there can be a second time, even a third. We found out the shortcomings and understood what worked and what didn’t. Treating the first Kickstarter campaign as the pilot part of the project, we put the project back in the repair shop, where every change, innovation, or proposal will be immediately updated to followers and backers.
Let’s be as unbreakable as UnbreakableUkraine!

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