

California-based artist Tautvydas Kaltenis latest magnificent and unique card deck, Unbreakable Ukraïna will benefit Blue/Yellow USA (501(c)3) with its net profits going towards aid for Ukraine.

People from all walks of life have been contributing to aid for Ukraine in various ways: direct donations, in-kind donations, fund raisers, auctions, organization of various types of aid, volunteering on the front lines, and in so many other ways. Among them are the artists of various types who have contributed through their music, dance, and art.

California-based Tautvydas Kaltenis is one of these artists. Along with the contribution of his artwork towards an upcoming Blue/Yellow USA auction, including his stunning “Dausos” card deck and book depicting Lithuanian mythology, he has designed a stunning deck featuring the heroes of Ukraine to mark 2/24/2022, the date of the full-scale brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine.

A Kickstarter campaign has been organized to fund the completion of the project and initial printing of the deck. Net proceeds from the sale of the deck will benefit Blue/Yellow USA’s aid to Ukraine.

Any and all support is critical to our aid efforts.

A free and democratic Ukraine is key to a stable world. To retain that freedom and the integrity of its borders Ukraine has been defending itself in an unprovoked, unilateral, genocidal war being perpetrated on its civilian population. Civilian targets have been Russia’s focus resulting in the obliteration of entire towns, necessary infrastructure (alone 715 hospitals and medical facilities), residential areas, a massive refugee situation, and the torture and murder of men, women and children. Recent exhumations in Izyum have recorded hundreds dead of which only 11 were military, beheaded, genitals removed, hands tied behind their backs, raped.

Blue/Yellow has been providing much needed non-lethal aid, advocacy, and support directly on the ground in Ukraine.

Please join us – we can do none of this work without you. The Unbreakable Ukraïna deck will make a beautiful gift which can be used for years to come, while helping Ukraine.

Information and additional images of the Unbreakable Ukraïna deck are available at: www.unbreakableukraina.com.

About Tautvydas Kaltenis

Artist and designer Tautvydas Kaltenis (1967) is a graduate of the Vilnius Academy of Arts (1990) He has created significant public and private interiors, produced industrial and graphic design projects including branding and illustration. He was the Chairman of the Lithuanian Designers Society between 2000-2018. As of 2019 he resides in California. His most recent work is the card deck and accompanying book, “Dausos”, based on Lithuanian mythology. Additional information is available at www.kaltenis.com.


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